For me Popcorn stitch is one of the most beautiful crochet stitches ever! It brings so nice volume and structure to any (flat) design. And it is also ideal for crocheting flowers.
Popcorn stitch (pc) is not difficult to make at all. You should however know how to make double crochet stitch (dc) already.
Here are the instructions for making a popcorn stitch (yo=yarn over, lp=loop, st=stitch; […] and *…* = follow instructions as many times as indicated):
*yo, insert hook in indicated st, yo, draw up a lp, [yo, pull through 2 lps] twice* 5 times in same st, drop lp from hook, insert hook from front to back through top of first dc made, place dropped lp on hook and pull through st.
And now let's see it with the pictures.
First you should make 5 dc’s (if you just start the round, you should make two chain stitches first, but they will not count as first dc).
Now drop the loop from the hook and insert the hook from front to back through top of first dc made (after ch2).
Congratulations! Your first popcorn stitch is finished. And now have a look at this tutorial to learn how to make a crocheted bracelet using popcorn stitches.
Copyright LillaBjornCrochet 2014-2015. All rights reserved. This tutorial is for unlimited personal use only. Do not reproduce or sell it. The tutorial may not be copied in any way (print or digitally), in part or in full. Please, read Copyright page for more information.
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