Final Part: Circles of the Sun CAL

Today is a very special day. Special for many reasons. Today the last clue for Circles of the Sun Mystery CAL is published. It feels sad and great and the same time. Sad because I got quite used to run to a computer every Friday evening and publish a new mystery post for you, and I don’t really know what I will be doing now when the CAL is over (…but actually I have lots of things to do :) I will be back to full-time designing – oh yes, I will!). But it also feels great because you will finally finish your Circles of the Sun pillow. I know that some of you decided to make blankets, and even bags using these blocks. So in fact, the most fun part of the CAL is coming now. Because soon (I really-really hope) we will see lots of beautiful finished objects! Please, don’t forget to share the pictures with me. You can do it either in my Ravelry group or on Facebook.

Today is a special day for me as I have birthday… I am not home again, I flew from the very North of Sweden to the South and am now typing from Copenhagen airport. It is one of the most unusual birthdays in my life. I spent a week with fantastic people from 16 countries who work hard to change the life of children for the better. They fight against hunger and poverty. They actually are fighting every day, and they are helping children in different parts of the world. I was very lucky to get acquainted with them, and spend the whole week with the organization Star of Hope. And my heart is now filled with such a strong feeling, and love. And I am happy…

Today is the last day of Circles of the Sun CAL. You will join all 9 squares and make a very simple border for your pillow decoration. But before you jump directly to the instructions I would like you to stop for a minute and think of people without whom this CAL would be impossible. Lots of people helped me to make this come true. It doesn’t take long to design something and write the pattern down. But it takes lots of time to test all the patterns, translate them into other languages and make video.

Today I would like to thank my dear friend Joana Ferreira. She probably doesn’t know it herself but it was she who inspired me to start thinking about my personal CAL and who was helping and supporting me all the time. She also helped me to test the patterns.

A few more wonderful ladies have kindly agreed to help me with testing. They gave their free time to help me and I thank you - Donna Wilson, Trudie van Dyk, Tawnya Herman, Kimberly Vallance, Lori McNamara, Kathy Johnson Russell – very much! I am a little bit in stress at the moment – sitting at the airport and preparing this post. If I by any chance forgot to mention someone – please, remind me!!

I also thank to Dianne Baan from for translating all the tutorials to Dutch, Libminna for translations to German and Estela Mizukawa for transtrations to Portuguese. And of course I send many thanks to Esther Dijkstra from It’s all in a Nutshell who made great videos to help you learn overlay crochet and handle the Circles of the Sun CAL.

I send a special thank to Kimberly Slifer from Just a Girl and A Hook, but maybe many of you also know her as a moderator of Official CCC Social group on Facebook. Kimberly has kindly agreed to host Circles of the Sun CAL and thanks to her it became popular. Actually, you must check her blog as she wrote a greate tutorial about how to make a fabric cover for Circles of the Sun pillow!! Isn't her pillow wonderful? Please, check it HERE. Thank you Kimberly.

And of course I would like to thank Dedri Uys from Look At What I Made. She has definitely no idea that her own work was the most inspiring source for me to design Circles of the Sun.

So today you will see the instructions of how to join all squares together and to create a border. You might find these instructions to be a bit complicated but sometimes overlay crochet is like this. So I would say today you will pass an exam in reading and understanding patterns which use overlay crochet technique. But don’t worry! I decided to create a very simple border and video tutorial is also available at the bottom of this post.


Please, check General InformationPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8 and Part 9 of this CAL. All granny squares are designed in overlay crochet technique. Please, also check this post to read more about it.


Dutch by Dianne Baan
German by Libminna
Portuguese by Estela Mizukawa

Video tutorial by Esther Dijkstra of  It’s all in a Nutshell

This is my own finished pillow, actually :) I used a ready cotton pillow cover from Ikea in orange. I didn't even change its size. I just sewed my decoration onto it and this is what I got :)

You will need:

• Yarn in 6 colors. I used yarn “Cotton Light” by DROPS (50g/1.76 oz., 105 m/115 yds.) Yarn weight: DK. Texture: 8 ply (11 wpi)

• Crochet hook 3,25 mm (D) or size needed to obtain acceptable gauge. (Please, feel free to choose another yarn weights and the hook to get larger or smaller square).

• Scissors, tapestry needle to weave in ends (I prefer crochet hook for weaving in).


And my front decoration with the border is 40 cm x 40 cm (16” x 16”).

Stitch guide and Abbreviations

US standard abbreviations are used in this pattern. But if you are used to other terms, please check this Crochet Translation Project which might be helpful in translation to your language.

rnd - round
st(s) - stitch(es)
slst (slip stitch) - insert hook in indicated st, yo, draw yarn up and pull 2nd lp through the 1st lp on hook.
sc (single crochet) – insert hook in indicated stitch, yo, draw up a lp, yo and pull through both lps on hook.
ch - chain
sp(s) - space(s)
sc (single crochet) - insert hook in indicated stitch, yo, draw up a lp, yo and pull through both lps on hook.
hdc (half double crochet) - yo, insert hook in indicated st, yo, draw up a lp, yo, pull through all three lps.
dc (double crochet) - yo, insert hook in indicated st, yo, draw up a lp, *yo, pull through 2 lps* twice.
tr (treble crochet) - yo twice, insert hook in indicated st, yo, draw up a lp, *yo, pull through 2 lps* three times.
dtr (double treble crochet)  - yo 3 times, insert hook in indicated stitch, yo, draw up a lp, [yo, pull through 2 lps] 4 times.
inc(s) - increase(s)
sc inc (single crochet increase) – crochet two sc in the same st.
hdc inc (half double crochet increase) – crochet two hdc in the same st.
dc inc (double crochet increase) – crochet two dc in the same st.
yo - yarn over
lp(s) - loop(s)
FL - front loop(s)
BL - back loop(s)
sk - skip st(s)
NJ - needle join
*…* - *crochet following directions* as many times as indicated

Copyright LillaBjornCrochet 2015. All rights reserved. This pattern is for unlimited personal use only. Do not reproduce or sell the pattern. The pattern may not be copied in any way (print or digitally), in part or in full. Items may be sold that are made from this pattern as long as the designer is credited. Shop owners, if you wish to make a kit with yarn using this pattern, please request permission and copyright details from me before offering any kits for sale. Please, read Copyright page for more information.
Color Key: C1 – Yellow, C2 – Beige, C3 – Orange, C4 – Green, C5 - Gray, C6 – Ruby.


1. Joining the squares

There is a wide variety of ways how to join granny squares together. If you have a favorite one, please, feel free to use it for your Circles of the Sun pillow. I’ve used three methods to make my pillows ( you can check them HERE) but I like the “flat zip” method the best. It is very easy and fast and it also helps to keep project flat.

You can choose yarn of any color to join your squares. For my pillow (and in my opinion) the best was beige yarn (C2).

You will work surface slip stitches in back loops of the last round of squares. To start joining, make a slip knot.

Now (holding the yarn under your work) insert the hook inside 2nd ch in any corner of one square and then inside 2nd ch in the corner of another square; yo and pull yarn through three lps on the hook. Now *(holding the yarn under your work) insert the hook in BL of next st on the 1st square and then in BL of next st on 2nd square, yo, pull yarn through three lps on the hook. Repeat from * till next corner finishing with a sl st in 1st ch for total of 26 sl sts. Take another pair of blocks and continue joining (again start in 2nd ch in the corner). Join three squares in line and three rows of squares together in one large square.

Tip: while crossing the joining round, please, feel free to make ch1 before starting to join next pair of squares. It will make the “crossroads” of joining rounds look neat.

2. Making Border

Rnd 1. After all the squares are joined, crochet one rnd around the whole joined piece in FL of the last rnd of the squares. Attach yarn in any st, make ch1 (counts as the first sc of the rnd) and continue crocheting around the joined piece. On the end of each square before the joining rnd make 1 sc in 1st ch (FL), 1 sc in the sl st of joining rnd and 1 sc in 2nd ch of the corner of next square. In the corners of large square make 1 sc (FL) in each of two ch. Join this rnd with NJ in the 1st sc after ch1 in the beginning of the rnd. (80 x 4 = 320 sts)

Rnd 2. Start with yarn C4. Attach yarn in any st (BL) (but not ch sts) of the last rnd of one of small squares.

Make this rnd in BL. Please, make sure that you work this rnd on the last rnd of the square and not rnd 1.
Crochet with dc around the whole crocheted piece in BL of the last rnd of the squares (the 1st dc of this rnd will be ch2). On the end of each square before the joining rnd make 1 dc in 1st ch (BL), 1 dc in the sl st of joining rnd (on the wrong side) and 1 dc in 2nd ch of the corner of next square. In the corners of large square make 2 dc (BL) in 1st ch, ch1 and 2 dc in 2nd ch. Join this rnd with NJ in the 1st dc after ch2 in the beginning of the rnd. (82 x 4 = 328 sts + 4 ch1-sps)

Rnd 3. Change to yarn C1. Attach yarn in 1st dc (BL) after ch1 in any corner.
Work this rnd through in BL!

Note: 1st sc of this rnd will be, as always, a ch. And each dc of this rnd will be made in a st of rnd 1 lying directly under next dc of rnd 2.

Here are instructions for 1 side of the square:

[2 sc, *2 sc, 1 dc (through both lps) in a st of rnd 1, sk 1 st on rnd 2* 3 times, 4 sc, *2 sc, 1 dc (through both lps) in a st of rnd 1, sk 1 st on rnd 2* 3 times, 3 sc] 3 times, 1 sc, (1 sc, ch1 ,1 sc) in next ch1 (BL) in the corner. (= 84 sts + 1 ch1-space)

Repeat this for other three sides always starting in the 1st dc of rnd 2 after ch1 in the corner. Finish with NJ in the 1st sc of the rnd after ch1.

Note: you will have 6 sts skipped on rnd 1 between two groups of “3 dc” on the side of each small square; and there will be 7 sts skipped on rnd 1 above each joining rnd.

Rnd 4. Change to yarn C3. Attach yarn in 1st dc of rnd 3 that comes after any corner. Work this rnd in BL!

[*9 sc (the 1st sc of the rnd will be a ch), sk 2 sts on rnd 1 after previous dc of rnd 3, 1 tr (through both lps) in each of two next sts of rnd 1), sk 2 sts on rnd 3, 12 sc, 1 tr (through both lps) in a st of rnd 1 made in joining rnd, sk 1 st on rnd 3, 3 sc* twice,

9 sc, sk 2 sts on rnd 1 after previous dc of rnd 3, 1 tr (through both lps) in each of two next sts of rnd 1), sk 2 sts on rnd 3, 10 sc, 1 dtr (though both lps) in a st of rnd 1 made in the 1st ch in the corner, sk 1 st on rnd 3, 3 sc, (1 sc, ch1, 1 sc) in next ch1 (BL), 3 sc, 1 dtr (through both lps) in next st of rnd 1 after previous dtr, sk 1 st on rnd 3, 1 sc] 4 times, NJ in the 1st sc of the rnd after ch1.

Congratulations! Your “Circles of the Sun” front decoration for a pillow cover is now finished!

Now you can either take a ready fabric pillow or make a pillow cover yourself. And sew your crocheted decoration onto it. :) To attach a finished crocheted decoration to a ready fabric cover you need first to center it on a fabric pillowcase, pin it with a few sewing pins and then just sew it by hand (around the decoration) with a needle, using the yarn of the same color you used for the last round of your crochet decoration. That’s it.

I really hope you enjoyed this CAL as much as I did. I thank you for joining and following it. My heart gets happy every time I see your wonderful colorful creations :)

Don't forget to subscribe to this blog. Though Circles of the Sun CAL is finished I will post  more patterns and tutorials on my blog in the future. So be sure not to miss a single post :) You can find a pin for this tutorial on Pinterest - please, feel free to repin it and share with your friends! And I will be happy to see you in my Facebook club, and you can follow me on Instagram.

Have a wonderful weekend,
Tatsiana. :)

Please, also watch video by Esther Dijkstra (It’s all in a Nutshell).

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us to create such a wonderful project! I have enjoyed this CAL immensely!

  2. Hi Tatsiana,

    thank you for wonderful 10 weeks with great instructions. I wish you a good evening

    CU Mela

  3. Thank you so much Tatsiana....CCC was honored to host your first CAL and I am hoping we did you proud. :) Loved all of the squares and the finished pillow is gorgeous (and she is all mine) :)

    1. Kimberly, you helped me a lot! Thank you once again for being close and supporting during all these weeks.

  4. firstly happy birthday, and thank you for your circle of the sun Cal ,it was and is beautiful , hoping you can find the time to do another Cal for us happy hookers thank you x x

    1. Thank you Georgina! I think I will take a break for a while. I have many ideas I want to accomplish. But maybe later I wll come up with some other CAL :) I will keep you updated.

  5. Thank you so very much for this wonderful project. I've been looking forward to Friday for the next installment, and will miss this CAL when I am finished. Hugs and Happy Birthday,, Mary

  6. These are such beautiful blocks! Though I cannot keep up with the CAL right now, am saving them for the near (I hope!) future.
    I've determined to finish a couple of WIPs before taking on another major project. But Overlay is a technique I've been wanting badly to try so am so very grateful that you've shared this with us. THANK YOU!
    I look forward to doing these and putting them together for a pillow! I have yet to decide what color(s) I want to use...
    Again, thank you to all....and the very best to all who are doing the CAL! Maybe the next time I'll be ready to join in! I do like CALs because there seems to be more motivation to keep up with everyone!

    1. Thank you! Yes, CALs are great! They unite so many people and help to share passion of crochet. I enjoyed this CAL as well!

  7. Happy Birthday ! Thanks for your really beautiful CAL -- I love the overlay crochet! Wish you a wonderful and magical day (week) in the north with all the light - greetings from Sus

    1. Thank you Sus! The week in the North of Sweden was really amazing!

  8. Thank you. I enjoyed following your projects. Can't wait to start. You are very talented. And I hope I will be able to follow through.

  9. Thank you for such a wonderful CAL - I have enjoyed it very much

    in Sheffield, England

  10. Again there is no print or save as PDF button. Are you not including it anymore?

    1. Hi! Print Friendly button is somethings that applies to the whole blog (and each post) automatically. For me it works just fine. Please, try to reload the page.

  11. Thank you very much for this wonderful CAL! Because you're instructions and illustrations were so well written I had no problems following them. I fell in love with Crochet Overly! Thanks again from Texas!

  12. Tatsiana my english is too poor to make you know how I've enjoyed your beautiful CAL, so the best I can say is a great, great Thank you! It has been a pleasure to follow your perfecto instructions and with the marvellous videos from Esther.
    I hope you will surprise us with another fantastic crochet adventure!!!

  13. Thank you so much for your hard work in designing something so beautiful! I love colour even though I am a male and an old one at that...77 years old! I crochet mostly to make chemo caps for women who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy. I do not charge for them.They are free. All of my female relatives except one have died of cancer. But I do other projects for friends. I never charge. I just love to crochet. And wish that I could knit but unfortunately I can only handle one needle (hook) at a time! Keep up the good work. ......Leslie from Canada

  14. Finally finished Circles of the Sun. Thx for the magnificent pattern. Just need to sew it on a IKEA pillow,;.).

    I want to make another one and went to check Just a Girl and a Hook because I love that colour combination, but the links take me to a page that's all advertisements.
    Am I doing anytjing wrong?


  15. Thanks. Wonderful! Please tell me the numbers of the DROPS Cotton Light colors that you used. Thanks.

  16. Me encantó hacerlo gracias x compartir sus conocimientos desde Perú 🇵🇪♥️


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